Corey Eide

Corey serves as a Practice Leader of State and Local Government and Nonprofit Advisory Services. In this role, Corey oversees ways to support communities well ahead of disasters. Prior to joining BDO USA, Corey worked with Team Rubicon and spent over a decade with the American Red Cross in a variety of roles. Most recently he focused on modernizing its disaster recovery program including the redesign of its cash transfer programming. Prior to this, Corey led catastrophic earthquake planning efforts, partnership development and training development. At Tulane University, Corey has developed and taught a number of courses at the Disaster Resilience Leadership Academy and the Payson Graduate Program in Global Development. Most recently, this includes the development and facilitation of Leadership in Disaster: Theory and Practice, which explores one hundred years of leadership theory and the application (or lack there-of) of these theories by leaders in the disaster space. International experience includes volunteer work in Haiti, a research deployment to Chile following the earthquake in 2010 and coursework completed in Thailand, Panama, and India. Corey has a Masters of Science in International Development from Tulane.

State, Local Gov. & Nonprofit Advisory Practice Lead