Michael Ziccardi

Michael is currently the Executive Director of the One Health Institute, Director of the Oiled Wildlife Care Network, Director of the California Veterinary Emergency Team, Co-Director of the Veterinary Access to Care Program, and Health Science Clinical Professor for the School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis. He received his DVM, MPVM, and PhD in epidemiology from UC Davis, emphasizing free-ranging wildlife health and the effects of petroleum exposure in wildlife.  He has been an oil spill response veterinarian and coordinator since 1996, responding to more than 70 spills in the US and abroad.  He has also worked as a contract veterinarian for California Department of Fish and Game, a wildlife epidemiologist at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, Chair of the Global Oiled Wildlife Response System project, Chair of NOAA’s Working Group on Marine Mammal Unusual Mortality Events,  and Treasurer for the Wildlife Disease Association.



  • Activation of the Ah receptor signaling pathway by prostaglandins
    • Authors: SD Seidel, GM Winters, WJ Rogers, MH Ziccardi, V Li, B Keser, et al.
    • Published in: Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology
    • Volume: 15, Issue: 4, Pages: 187-196
    • Citations: 189
    • Year: 2001

    Epidemiology and diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in captive Asian elephants (Elephas maximus)

    • Authors: SK Mikota, L Peddie, J Peddie, R Isaza, F Dunker, G West, W Lindsay, et al.
    • Published in: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
    • Volume: 32, Issue: 1, Pages: 1-16
    • Citations: 154
    • Year: 2001

    Carbaryl, a carbamate insecticide, is a ligand for the hepatic Ah (dioxin) receptor

    • Authors: MS Denison, D Phelan, GM Winter, MH Ziccardi
    • Published in: Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
    • Volume: 152, Issue: 2, Pages: 406-414
    • Citations: 117
    • Year: 1998

    Natural and synthetic ligands for the Ah receptor

    • Authors: MS Denison, SD Seidel, WJ Rogers, M Ziccardi, GM Winter, et al.
    • Published in: Molecular Biology Approaches to Toxicology
    • Pages: 393-410
    • Citations: 106
    • Year: 1998

    Development and modification of a recombinant cell bioassay to directly detect halogenated and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in serum

    • Authors: MH Ziccardi, IA Gardner, MS Denison
    • Published in: Toxicological Sciences
    • Volume: 54, Issue: 1, Pages: 183-193
    • Citations: 101
    • Year: 2000

    Health risks for marine mammal workers

    • Authors: TD Hunt, MH Ziccardi, FMD Gulland, PK Yochem, DW Hird, T Rowles, et al.
    • Published in: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
    • Volume: 81, Issue: 1, Pages: 81-92
    • Citations: 82
    • Year: 2008

    An experimental soft-release of oil-spill rehabilitated American coots (Fulica americana): II. Effects on health and blood parameters

    • Authors: SH Newman, DW Anderson, MH Ziccardi, JG Trupkiewicz, FS Tseng, et al.
    • Published in: Environmental Pollution
    • Volume: 107, Issue: 3, Pages: 295-304
    • Citations: 77
    • Year: 2000

    Fishing gear-related injury in California marine wildlife

    • Authors: BK Dau, KVK Gilardi, FM Gulland, A Higgins, JB Holcomb, JS Leger, et al.
    • Published in: Journal of Wildlife Diseases
    • Volume: 45, Issue: 2, Pages: 355-362
    • Citations: 76
    • Year: 2009

    The stress response to environmental change in captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus)

    • Authors: A Wells, KA Terio, MH Ziccardi, L Munson
    • Published in: Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
    • Volume: 35, Issue: 1, Pages: 8-14
    • Citations: 71
    • Year: 2004

    REVIEW Assessing North Atlantic right whale health: Threats, and development of tools critical for conservation of the species

    • Authors: MJ Moore, TK Rowles, DA Fauquier, JD Baker, I Biedron, JW Durban, et al.
    • Published in: Diseases of Aquatic Organisms
    • Volume: 143, Pages: 205-226
    • Citations: 63
    • Year: 2021

    Advances in oiled bird emergency medicine and management

    • Authors: JAK Mazet, SH Newman, KVK Gilardi, FS Tseng, JB Holcomb, DA Jessup, et al.
    • Published in: Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
    • Volume: 16, Issue: 2, Pages: 146-149
    • Citations: 63
    • Year: 2002

    Personal Website
    UC Davis