Camille Bibeau

Camille is a long-time LLNL scientist and strategic leader with a celebrated career of 36 years. She spent the first few decades of her career improving and developing laser technologies, (ranging from small tabletop systems to large-scale lasers, such as the Nova Laser). She later transitioned to Global Security Directorate, where she was a Program Leader for Detection Technologies with the Radiological and Nuclear Countermeasure Division, and managed a portfolio of projects for the Departments of Homeland Security, Defense, and Energy (DHS, DOD, and DOE). Camille was responsible for several strategic infrastructure projects for the Lab, including launching and expanding the Livermore Valley Open Campus (LVOC), and playing a critical role in the design and commissioning of the High-Performance Computing and Innovation Center and Advanced Manufacturing Lab at LVOC. Most recently Camille served as Deputy Associate Director of Operations for the Engineering Directorate, where she has focused on expanding and strengthening internal operations, building collaborative partnerships around safety, security and infrastructure, and strategic planning to meet future operations and infrastructure needs of the Engineering Directorate. She also worked collaboratively with UCNL on the University of California Livermore Collaboration Center (UCLCC) revitalization project, and will lead the strategic utilization and programming for the newly renovated Center in her role at UCNL. Camille has a Ph.D. in Applied Science from the University of California, Davis, where she was also an adjunct professor, and a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Oregon.

Executive Director, Partnerships and Outreach

UC National Laboratories, UC Office of the President

Personal Website