Our Partners
Tackling disaster and crises from all sides.
Partnerships allow us to both deepen our work in California while also expanding our reach to the global community.
Core Partners
American Red Cross
The American Red Cross is a non-profit humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief, and disaster preparedness education in the United States. The American Red Cross has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with UC DRN and awarded a grant to support the partnership.
International Science Reserve
The International Science Reserve (ISR) is a network of open scientific communities of discovery, bringing together specialized resources from across the globe to prepare for and help mitigate complex and urgent global crises. The ISR and UC DRN are developing several partnership opportunities.
UC Natural Reserve System
The UC Natural Reserve System is a network of 41 protected natural areas located throughout the State that provide undisturbed environments for research, education and public outreach programs. It is the largest university-administered reserve system in the world encompassing more than 775,000 acres of diverse habitats from the ocean to the mountains to the inland deserts, and with access to more than a million acres of public lands. The Natural Reserve System contributes to the understanding and wise stewardship of the Earth. The seven UC NRS Reserves managed by UCSB are used by thousands of researchers, students and public visitors each year as they investigate and learn about the natural world. Reserve users come from throughout California, the U.S. and the world to study the Reserve’s diverse natural systems and native flora and fauna.
Ernst & Young
UC DRN is partnering with EY (Ernst & Young) to judge their 2023 Open Science Data Challenge for the creation of open-source solutions that could help save 800 million people from hunger. The 2023 Challenge generated more than 13,000 registrations from students and professionals who are passionate about building a more sustainable future. And UC DRN is providing the expertise to help design the 2024 Challenge.
University of Chile
UC DRN is partnering with the University of Chile through its Program for the Reduction of Risks and Disasters (CITRID) to prepare joint activities concerning seismic risk reduction and other topics of mutual interest.
IMT-Mines Ales
UC DRN is partnering with IMT Mines Ales (France) through its Disaster Management and Environmental Impact program by offering teaching inputs to its Masters degree program as well as joint work on areas of mutual interest such as cybersecurity and hospital readiness.